Leveraging the latest technological advances, we design, develop and operate e-toll systems, with these main objectives:
Optimizing traffic flow
Main objective of our e-toll systems is to avoid congestion and optimize the flow of traffic ensuring a free flow of vehicles on the road.
Decreasing toll collection cost
Our aim is to design financially feasible e-toll systems, which using the right technology may not only decrease the toll collection costs, but also increase the income due to the efficiency of the system.
Minimizing costs borne by toll road users
We deliver the best possible e-toll solutions to road owners, operators and users alike. It’s one of our main goals to create user friendly, convenient e-toll systems, which at the same time do not need to result in higher prices.
Maximizing the usage of existing infrastructures
Our experts always cooperate with local stakeholders trying to find the most efficient solutions for integrating existing infrastructures into the new structures being established.
Adapting fully to the local conditions and resources
Working on projects worldwide, we understand how different landscapes, conditions and resources may influence a project. Hence we never exclude those, while planning, but try to choose technologies and solutions accordingly.
Integrating several payment methods and partners
Electronic payment systems related to e-toll may cover a wide range of different solutions. Taking into consideration locally accepted payment methods and partners such as banks or e-money providers we are able to integrate several payment solutions into our systems.
Integrating various ways of toll declaration
Depending on local regulations and requirements also different kind of toll declaration forms maybe integrated in order to make operation undisturbed and enforcement easy.
Capability to serve as a complex ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) platform
Our e-toll systems may also provide additional services like heavy vehicle control system, average speed metering, emergency information systems, control rooms and asset management. Our services are based on most advanced IoT solutions, enabling smart-city developments across the globe.